Companies that emit small quantities of air pollutants may not need to have an Air Quality Permit or may simply be required to register with us. The rules for determining whether an Air Quality Permit is required are in Section 3Q .0100 of the Forsyth County Air Quality Technical Code (FCAQTC) and companies that are uncertain about whether they need to have an Air Quality Permit are encouraged to contact us for an applicability determination. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Permitting Manager by email or by telephone at (336) 703-2440.

General Industry

Industrial facilities that do not qualify for exemptions from permitting requirements under Forsyth County Air Quality Technical Code Sec. 3Q-0102(d) may register their facilities if the total aggregate emissions are less than 25 tons per year.

Form File Type
Registration Form

Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Operations

Dry Cleaners using Perchloroethylene are required to register their facility with EAP. These facilities are regularly inspected. Federal law requires owners to certify their compliance with federal regulations and notify EAP regarding compliance. Completion of the registration form below will satisfy local and federal requirements.
More Information on Dry Cleaning

Form File Type
Registration Form

Gasoline Dispensing Stations

Owners of Gasoline Dispensing Stations are required to register if they currently use or will be dispensing 50,000 gallons of gasoline or more in a year.
More Information on Gas Stations

Form File Type
Registration Form

Paint Stripping & Miscellaneous Surface Coating Operations (Subpart HHHHHH)

Facilities that use methylene chloride to strip paint, auto body shops, and other facilities that spray paint metal or plastic surfaces are subject to federal emission standards. Federal law requires that our Office and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency be notified and that the facility owner certify their compliance with federal regulations. We have developed Notification of Compliance Status Forms (NOC) in Excel and PDF format for Paint Stripping (NOC-S), Misc. Coatings (NOC-MSC), Motor Vehicle Surface Coating (NOC-ME), and a form for requesting an exemption for Motor Vehicle Coating (MEX) for download.
More information on Paint Stripping & Miscellaneous Surface Coating Operations (Subpart HHHHHH)

Form File Type
Initial Notification Form IN
Paint Stripping Form NOC-S
Misc Coating Form NOC-MSC
Motor Vehicle Form NOC-ME
Motor Vehicle Exemption Form

Area Source Boilers (NESHAP Subpart JJJJJJ)

Facilities that operate boilers that can burn oil, biomass, coal, or other solid and liquid non-waste materials are subject to federal emission standards. Federal law requires facilities covered under the rule submit an Initial Notification by September 17, 2011.

On December 23, 2011 EPA published proposed amendments to Subpart JJJJJJ that would extend the compliance date for initial boiler tune-ups from March 21, 2012 to March 21, 2013. Because this rule amendment has not become final, EPA issued a "No Action Assurance" letter on March 13, 2012 stating that EPA will not take enforcement action against facilities that do not conduct a tune-up required by Subpart JJJJJJ by the March 21, 2012 compliance date. Similarly, the Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection will not enforce the March 21, 2012 compliance deadline for boiler tune-ups. The No Action Assurance has been extended until December 31, 2012 or the effective date of a final rule revision to Subpart JJJJJJ

Stationary Engines and Emergency Generators (NESHAP Subpart ZZZZ)

If you are the owner or operator of an emergency generator, you must comply with Subpart ZZZZ of 40 CFR Part 63. Please make sure you operate your generator such that you maintain its status as an emergency generator.

If your stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine (RICE) is not for emergency use, please contact us for direction.

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