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Books We Like - Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Published 9/19/2019 by Jess Schaefer

Books We Like - Sci-Fi & Fantasy

"Red Rising" by Pierce Brown
Darrow has accepted his lot in life as a lowly Red, mining the precious resources that will one day allow Mars to become an inhabitable planet. He is preparing the way for future generations, but it’s all a lie. Mars is already a prosperous planet sprawling with cities where the upper classes live in luxury thanks to the hard labor endured by Reds. Darrow is a slave, and when his wife is killed he vows to take down the ruling Golds by becoming one of them. He will destroy them from the inside out. In an epic journey spanning several books, “Red Rising” is the first in a series by Pierce Brown that will allow readers to travel the stars with an air of revolution. Book recommended for ages 18 and up.

"Life As We Knew It" by Susan Beth Pfeiffer
When a meteor hits the moon and sends it off its orbit, closer to earth, Miranda is not sure how her family will ever survive. Huge tsunamis take out many of the coastal cities. Earthquakes send buildings crashing to the ground. The entire world goes into a state of economic collapse, as people struggle to make sense in anarchy. Desperate to make a way, Miranda and her family hunker down in the sunroom of their house in the hopes of surviving an arctic winter. Told via journal entries, this dystopian/sci-fi adventure will keep readers turning the pages hoping against all odds Miranda and her family will live. Book recommended for ages 12 and up.

"The Diamond Throne" by David Eddings
In the classic format of an epic fantasy, Sparhawk, Queen's champion and exiled knight, returns home at the request of his queen only to find Ehlana is desperately ill and entombed in crystal. It is up to Sparhawk to find a cure, along with the help of his friends and fellow knights, as well as a thief and a girl-child, before Ehlena dies and the world is thrown into an age of darkness. Lesser known than Eddings’ classic series “The Belgariad,” this first installation in “The Elenium” will delight readers who are traditional fantasy buffs. Book recommended for ages 18 and up.

"The Belles" by Dhonielle Clayton
Cursed by the god of the sky, the people of Orléans are doomed to live in a world without beauty. They are born gray, with straw-like hair and red eyes, and only the Belles, descendants of the god of Beauty, can transform them from their natural state. Camellia Beauregard is a Belle, and her entire life she’s been trained to serve her kingdom and fulfill the desires of the people to be beautiful like her. But the reality of Camellia’s world is not what she’s been taught. Instead, she and her sisters are worked like slaves. With the threat of a tyrannical princess becoming queen, Camellia must decide if she will risk her life to save her kingdom and change the culture of the Belles forever. Book recommended for ages 12 and up.