Bike Team

The Forsyth County Emergency Services Bike Team is responsible for providing rapid medical response in congested areas where an ambulance would be delayed due to high traffic, large crowds, and restricted access in areas such as parks, large parking lots, and events that cover a large geographical area. Such events include college football games, downtown events, golf tournaments, races, and holiday festivals.

Each team carries advanced life support capability. Their equipment includes, but is not limited to: oxygen, AED, advanced airways, IV supplies, medications, blood glucose monitor, oxygen saturation monitor, and trauma supplies. Each bike is fitted with rack packs and saddlebags, the kits are also easily removed from the bikes to allow for situation where a member must leave the bike to make patient contact. The Forsyth County Emergency Services Bike Team utilizes a Trek bike that is specifically designed for public safety use and can deploy up to five teams/10 bikes at an event. The bikes and equipment are stored in an enclosed trailer that can be transported by any department vehicle to an event.

Emergency Medical Services bike teams have been in existence since the 1980’s. There are reported to be over 300 EMS bike teams across the country today. EMS bike teams are one of the most effective public relations and education tools used in EMS today. Children and adults alike are much more likely to approach Paramedics on bikes than those stationed in a transport unit. Public recognition and acceptance has been tremendous. The most important benefit of a bike team is reduced response times. At events, such as the Wake Forest Football games, the Forsyth County Emergency Services Bike Team routinely make patient contact in less than two minutes after receiving a call. Once a patient has been stabilized, the patient is then transported by an ambulance or by other means such as a motorized cart to an ambulance or medical facility.

Honor Guard


In 2001, the late Capt. Orren Doub had the vision to start an Honor Guard for our organization. At that time, there were very few Honor Guards that were comprised of only EMS providers, most of the teams were based in the fire service. We are active in numerous events. We have been a part of Honor Guard exhibitions and we participated in the annual National EMS Memorial Service while it was still held in Roanoke, Va. We have posted colors for the opening ceremonies of the NC State Paramedic Competition banquet since our inception, participated in parades, graduations, and multiple patriotic services, and have had the solemn honor of performing funerals for our own organization and others. Our agency is now a combined department of EMS and Fire divisions and we have welcomed new members from the fire division. We pride ourselves with having our own singer for the National Anthem and three members that play the bugle. If you have questions about the Honor Guard, contact Capt. Shane C. Moore

Tactical Medic Team


FCES Tactical team was organized to suffice a need to provide tactical paramedic care to Winston Salem and Kernersville Police Dept’s S.W.A.T teams. We also fill the void in providing care for the Winston Salem Police Dept’s Bomb Ordinance Team. The team consists of Six Nationally Registered Paramedics and a MD who serves as another functioning tactical medic and provides medical oversight. Also a Physicians Assistant from Wake Health/SORT serves as a medic and provides medical oversight and training to the team. Each tactical paramedic has been through a 7 month T.E.M.S (Tactical Emergency Medical Services) course. In addition each team member has completed and passed a Critical Care Paramedic course and are certified in same. As of March 5, 2013 we have 4 candidates enrolled in the GTCC T.E.M.S program and are slated to graduate in November of 2013. Upon completion these candidates will be placed on a 6 month probationary period and will meet individually with the medical director and administrative officer to determine their placement on the team.

  • LtCol Timonthy Black, Administrative & Tactical Medic
  • Lt Dustin Strickland, Team Leader & Tactical Medic
  • Lt Brad Settle, Tactical Medic
  • Cpl Matthew Williams, Tactical Medic
  • Cpl Andrew Davis, Tactical Medic
  • Cpl David Harris, Tactical Medic and Equipment Officer
  • William Bozeman MD, Chief Medical Director
  • Jim Johnson PA, Assistant Medical Director / Training

Each medic responds to numerous calls for service throughout the year. Also each medic attends monthly trainings for each dept. WSPD trains every first and third Tuesday of every month. WSPD Bomb Team trains twice monthly. KPD trains monthly and provides a list of training for the current calendar year We adhere to 100% response and presence to all calls for service and trainings.

In addition each team member attends 2 10 hour training sessions each year taught by FCES training division, Dr.Bozeman and Jim Johnson. This consists of skill evaluations, TCCC updates and gear/equipment familiarization. Also each medic demonstrates skills and techniques to an evaluator to demonstrate proficiency.

When the medic responds to training we participate in physical training with that team. We train in whatever evolutions that team may be training in that day. We try to incorporate medical situations in all the trainings we encounter and prepare the officers and ourselves for the ever potential officer down. Each medic responds to training and all calls for help with at minimum,

  • AED
  • Oxygen
  • Quick response medical bag
  • Radio to call for further help
  • PPE (ie:vest, goggles)
  • Evacuation device

Each medic is issued at minimum the following pieces of equipment

  • Automated External Defibrillator (kept in vehicle)
  • Quick response medical bag stocked with ALS and BLS equipment (kept in vehicle)
  • Personal take home radio
  • Various bdu’s and proper attire
  • Heavy vest with various medical supplies stored on same
  • Light level 3 concealment vest
  • Kevlar Helmet
  • Eye protection
  • Flashlight
  • Gas mask
  • Belt
  • Gear bag

In addition to what is issued to each member the following equipment is kept at the station and is taken to calls for service and training

  • 3 large medical bag’s stocked with ALS and BLS equipment
  • Various litters for evacuating the wounded
  • Re- supply for the members to restock their gear

In summary this team is ever growing and serves as an integral part to this agency and to the citizens of Forsyth County. It takes dedication and commitment to serve with this team and each member that serves demonstrates this level of commitment continuously.