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-deleted-CenterPoint Human Services Board of Directors


CenterPoint Human Services is a state-mandated Local Management Entity and Medicaid-funded Managed Care Organization in charge of overseeing the delivery of publicly-funded mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse services in Forsyth, Stokes, Davie and Rockingham Counties. CenterPoint works closely with community partners, advocates and service providers to address the service needs of the people and communities we serve.
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CenterPoint Human Services is a managed care organization responsible for assuring that accessible, quality and accountable care is available for those with mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities and substance abuse challenges.
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CenterPoint Human Services will become the best practice public model of managed care for exceptional and compassionate oversight of the provision of care for those with mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities and substance abuse challenges.
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We will live out our mission by:

    - Respecting and valuing all individuals
      - Serving individuals and families with compassion and care
        - Maintaining an unwavering commitment to high quality care given by our provider network
          - Being responsible stewards of the funds entrusted to us
            - Seeking to raise awareness of the needs and challenges of behavioral health in our community
              - Operating with transparency, openness, responsiveness and in collaboration with the many partners within the counties we serve


              In compliance with N.C.G.S. §122C-118.1 and the Interlocal Agreement executed by the Constituent Counties dated as of November 26, 2012 and effective as of January 1, 2013, a copy of which is attached hereto as Attachment A (the "Interlocal Agreement"), the Board shall be comprised of sixteen (16) voting Members inclusive of the positions required by N.C.G.S. §122C-118.1(b), who reside within the Constituent Counties including:
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              1. Six (6) members appointed by Forsyth County;
              2. Two (2) members appointed by Rockingham County;
              3. Two (2) members appointed by Stokes County;
              4. Two (2) members appointed by Davie County;
              5. Three (3) members recommended by the Consumer and Family Advisory Committee ("CFAC") which include the CFAC chair or designee, a family member of a CFAC member, and an openly declared consumer member of CFAC; and
              6. One (1) member appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services ("DHHS").
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              The Constituent Counties may appoint a member of the Board to fill concurrently two (2) categories of membership required by N.C.G.S. §122C-118.1(b) if the member has the qualifications or attributes of the two (2) categories.
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              The Board shall also include the following non-voting positions required under N.C.G.S. §122C-118.1(b) who shall participate only in Board activities that are open to the public:
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              1. The President of the LME-MCO Provider Council or the President's designee; and
              2. An administrator of a hospital providing mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse emergency services. Pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, if no Board member appointed by the Constituent Counties meets the criteria for the capacity of hospital administrator in addition to another capacity, the Board will appoint this non-voting member.


              Board Meetings are held the 4th Thursday of each month except for no scheduled meeting in July and December. Board meetings dates, agenda and approved minutes are posted on the CenterPoint website (

              Open Appointments

              The following appointments are open for applicants:

              Capacity and Additional Information Deadline to Apply

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